Sunday, June 10, 2012

Puzzle No. 19
Picarats: 30

The Laytonmobile, the professor's pride and joy, is stuck behind several other cars trying to exit a crowded parking lot. Things are so tight, though, that each car can only move forward and backward with respect to the direction it's currently facing.

Use your stylus to direct traffic and guide the professor's red car to the exit.

Hint One: Just trying to clear the cars immediately in front of the professor's vehicle won't get you anywhere. Think about exactly what it is you'll need to do to clear a path to the lot exit.

Hint Two: Don't be afraid to take a step back to move ahead two steps. You may need to move some things into the way to get them out of the way in the end.

When you're moving cars around, be sure to keep in mind each car's directional imitation.

Hint Three: To start, you'll need to move the two cars directly in front of the Laytonmobile. In order to do that, you'll first need to move the horizontally oriented car that sits right above those two vehicles.

Once you've completed that task, move the Laytonmobile forward toward the exit. Then try to rearrange cars at the end of the lot opposite the exit.


 Move the horizontal truck above the red car up.

 Move the vertical truck to the right of the red car up.

 Move the vertical truck to the right of the red car up.

 Move the red car right.

 Move the bottom left vertical truck up.

 Move the bottom left horizontal truck left.

 Move the bottom left horizontal truck left.

 Move the topmost vertical truck down.

Move the red car left.

 Move the right vertical truck down.

Move the top horizontal truck left.

 Move the vertical truck to the left of the red car up.

 Move the vertical truck to the left of the red car up.

 Move the red car to the exit.

Good job clearing out the traffic. If you used these steps, you solved the puzzle with the fewest number of steps!

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