Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Puzzle No. 003
Picarats: 10

These four top hats are all the same height, but the length of each brim is different. In other words, the hats are equally tall but vary in width.

One of these four hats has a brim and height that are the same length. Which hat is it?

Hint One: Don't just pick an answer based on what you see on the screen.

If this puzzle could be solved with a quick glance at the screen, it wouldn't be much of a puzzle, now would it?

The human eye perceives vertical and horizontal length differently.

Hint Two: B is certainly not the hat you are looking for.

Hint Three: D isn't the right hat either.


That's right!

This is a very famous optical illusion. An optical illusion is a visual phenomenon where your eyes perceive things differently than they actually are. There are dozens of known optical illusions.

What's the world coming to when you can't even trust your own eyes?

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